Zoom Breakout Sessions (9:00AM – 10:00AM)
Title : Teaching with Friends: Tips & Tales from TLC Faculty Seminar Leaders
Presenters: Simone Martin-Howard and Mengia Hong Tschalaer
Abstract : This panel brings together two faculty members who have co-facilitated TLC-funded seminars with a focus on student-centered pedagogy and who have developed resources for designing more inclusive syllabi and motivating change in our teaching approaches. The goal of this panel is to highlight the main takeaways from these two workshops and offer some concrete suggestions on how to integrate these in your Spring 2024 syllabi and teaching. Mengia Tschalär co-facilitated (with Iralma Pozzo) “Intersectional Futures: Re-Framing Career Readiness for CUNY Students” in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 and Simone Martin-Howard taught “Six Degrees of Faculty-Student Connections” in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022.
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie6RtmYcyTo&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title : Learning from Shared Experiences: A Debrief on the Online CJBS Community of Practice
Presenters: Holly Davenport, Wynne Ferdinand, Ashley Baxter, Ian Heller, and Andrew Majeske
Abstract : To support a cohort of students enrolling in the new online Criminal Justice B.S. program, John Jay faculty formed a community of practice to share information, strategies, successes, and concerns. A community of practice is “formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain of human endeavor” (Wenger-Trayner 2015). Fall 2023 faculty participants will share their learning experience and discuss ways to sustain and grow the community to continue to support students and effective teaching.
Slides: Coming Soon!
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye7YO2vvers&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=5&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title: We Are the Village of Career Success: Cultivating NACE Competencies
Presenter: Enrique Chavez-Arviso
Abstract: The purpose of our interactive workshop is to discuss and help faculty develop skills to implement effective methods for learning and teaching career readiness by connecting classroom learning to career success. Our workshop will focus on eight high impact practical areas, namely the following NACE Career Readiness Competencies: (1) Career and Self-Development, (2) Communication, (3) Critical Thinking, (4) Equity and Inclusion, (5) Leadership, (6), Professionalism, (7) Teamwork, and (8) Technology. The workshop will be conducted within the key framework of pedagogies of care, inclusion, anti-racism, and cross-cultural skills.
Slides: Coming Soon!
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4DywpR4WuI&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=6&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title : How to Develop a Research or Capacity-Building Project in Other Countries
Presenter: Hung-En Sen
Abstract : John Jay College has broadened its international portfolio in assistance and capacity-building in recent years by collaborating with the U.S. government and international donors. These initiatives involve the application of technical expertise in fact-finding, problem-solving, and state-building in the developing world. This workshop will offer an overview of how to identify funding opportunities, cultivate international partnerships, and prepare competitive grant applications.
Slides: Here
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyL8TgQkjAg&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=3&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title: Tackling the Complexities of Addressing Mental Health in BIPOC Communities
Presenter: Tracie Grimsley Meyers
Abstract: While there has been a marked increase in the post pandemic utilization of mental health treatment overall, there remains a significant difference in usage within BIPOC and other traditionally marginalized communities. Stigma, medical distrust, limited information, discrimination and a dearth of appropriate resources remain as impediments to equal access to mental health treatment and services. Understanding the barriers that prevent students from accessing mental health care and the role we play in perpetuating certain barriers is vital in creating spaces where mental health is viewed as a part of one’s overall health and well-being.
Slides: Here
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2drfy377E9M&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=2&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Brightspace: Brightspace Transition Updates and Information from your DOES LMS Support Team
Presenters: Helen Keier and the DOES LMS Support Team
Moot Court, John Jay New Building, 6th Floor
Abstract: This session will provide a status update on CUNY’s transition to the Brightspace Learning Management System. An overview of John Jay’s preparation efforts will be offered, including access to Brightspace, a discussion of responses to the John Jay Faculty Brightspace Survey, what training resources and activities are currently available and planned for the upcoming semester, the migration of courses from Blackboard, and the launch of live courses for the Summer 2024 semester. Time will be provided for Q & A.
Slides: Here
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg8MkVqrrOM&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=9&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Zoom Breakout Sessions (11:15AM – 12:15PM)
Title : The Art of Teaching: Building Community, Critical Thinking and Active Learning in Today’s College Classroom
Presenter: Ana Pego, Kimora, and Greg Donaldson
Abstract : This presentation delves into the multifaceted strategies, challenges, and transformative potential inherent in fostering critical thinking skills. Drawing from personal experiences and diverse perspectives within our team — spanning from seasoned educators to those new in their appointments — we explore effective methodologies that transcend disciplinary boundaries. Our discussion will spotlight real-life examples, emphasizing the role of approachability, relatedness, and the challenges encountered, across academic spheres. By sharing innovative approaches and insights, we aim to showcase the transformative impact of nurturing critical thinking, ultimately empowering students to engage meaningfully in their educational journey.
Slides: Here
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yc-QjdCADs&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=1&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title: Evolving Education: The Library’s Role in Asynchronous Learning, the BrightSpace Migration, and AI Integration Strategies
Presenters: Jocelyn Castillo, Kate Cauley, and Ignacio Sanchez
Abstract: identify information literacy skills to strengthen curriculum in remote learning environments
-be familiar with academic librarian perspectives and library resources (efforts) examining artificial intelligence literacy
Slides: Here
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhCejzaBfPU&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=8&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title : Exploring and Discussing Insights from COACHE 2023
Presenters: Amy Green, Judy-Lynne Peters, Gabriel Camacho, Serguei Cheloukhine, Yeju Choi, Yi He, Mohammed Islam, Matthew Perry, and Angela Crossman
Abstract : (a) Individuals will learn what the Faculty Working Group has found so far in the JJ and CUNY COACHE results. (b) Individuals will have the opportunity to engage in discussion of recommendations to improve aspects of our work lives, in response to those results.
Slides: They are posted, along with the COACHE 2023 Report, at http://inside.jjay.cuny.edu/ in the Resource Center. Look under Surveys in the righthand column for the COACHE reports and the Spring 2024 FDD slides.
Title : AI vs. AI: Potential and Pitfalls – Building Our Community Standards
Moderator: Angela Crossman
Panelists: Jennifer Dobbins, Hunter Johnson, and Andrew Sidman
Abstract : Panelists will discuss the power and pitfalls of Artificial Intelligence in its potential real-world applications. They will describe the Academic Integrity challenges it raises and implications for our pedagogical choices and discuss our need to find community consensus around Academic Integrity standards to inform revision to our policy.
Slides: Coming Soon!
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTiQLpz3LIA&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=7&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Title : Building Safe Spaces in the Classroom
Presenter: Alessandra Early, Delmar Dualeh, and Skye Roper-Moses
Abstract : Supplemented by personal anecdotes and experiences in the classroom, our panel will discuss tips and tricks for creating safer classroom climates. In particular, we will consider the impact that divisive topics can have in shaping classroom dynamics and relationships. As such, this panel will describe how to engage students in sensitive discussions with varying, and sometimes opposing, viewpoints. Faculty members will also have space to share their past experiences and any concerns they have about the upcoming semester.
Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI7uQjqnsMY&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=12&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter
Plenary discussion: Addressing Pandemic Learning Gaps and Academic Integrity
Moot Court, John Jay New Building, 6th Floor
Slides: Here
Video Recording:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZX6QiUitL4&list=PL1y8mragor2BuctzEtbXycCYXHsZra2MP&index=10&ab_channel=JohnJayTeachingandLearningCenter