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Spring 2022 FDD Resources

Practical Approaches to Pandemic Teaching and Learning

Thursday, January 27, 2022 


*All times are listed in Eastern Time Zone, Daylight Savings Time*

Breakout Sessions (9:30-10:30 am)

Title: What just happened to student research? Reigniting paths to student engagement

Track: What Just Happened? Tips for Pandemic Learning

Presenters: Maureen Richards, Kate Cauley, Maria Grewe, Christen Madrazo, Andrew Berezhansky, Katelynn Seodarsan

Abstract: Empirical and anecdotal evidence identify “academic disengagement” as one of the outcomes of the pandemic. Many students struggled, often feeling unsupported, unmotivated, and unable to navigate simple research queries. Although the library’s pivot to 100% reliance on electronic delivery of library collections, and instructional and reference services, resulted in an increase in the use of the library’s online collections and services, full-text downloads decreased, signaling a drop-off in engagement. As we return to campus in greater numbers while continuing to offer remote learning modalities, we need to be purposeful in creating opportunities for students to catch up or learn for the first time the library skills needed for student success. Join an interactive discussion on how to develop more effective, motivational, and cohesive paths to engage students with the library through syllabi, assignments, blackboard, library workshops, and virtual and in-person reference help.

Slides: Here

Recording: Here

Title: Social Justice Pedagogy in the Time of COVID

Track: Yes! We Can! DEI & Active Learning

Presenters: Nina Rose Fischer, Adriana Perez, Emily Chavez, Aida Eloumi

Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic has not only revealed but also heightened systemic inequalities in education. As educators it is our utmost responsibility to create a supportive learning environment where our students thrive. We assert that traditional teaching methods are ineffective at addressing student needs, especially students disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Addressing the survival and affective needs of students in a social justice oriented classroom increases the likelihood of success in class and subsequent graduation rates. A unique case study from Interdisciplinary Studies demonstrates the efficacy of virtual social justice pedagogy to meet the needs of students during the pandemic. We will present thematic categories that emerged from evaluative data from faculty and students that encompass the central aspects of our antiracist, culturally affirming pedagogical efforts: 1) Questioning interdisciplinarity, 2) Disrupting systemic inequality and 3) Power shifting. We will demonstrate and discuss how to operationalize these themes in the classroom.

Recording: Here

Title: Earning Their Wings: Embedding Career Readiness in Course Design

Track: The Proof Is in the Demo: Master Classes in Design

Presenters: Heath Grant, Maggie Smith

Abstract: As John Jay students move into the 2022 workforce, many employment opportunities for advancement will require a demonstration of proficiency in the use of quantitative data and quantitative analysis.  This session will introduce practical model assignments for social science courses that include one or more elements that will require students to think about or make use of quantitative data.  Above all, workshop discussions and examples will help faculty participants to identify where and how to integrate quantitative reasoning into their courses (whether they currently have a specific research objective or not).

Recording: Here

Title: Starting Challenging Conversations to Build Resilience

Track: Justice in Conversation: Supporting Student Identities & Needs

Presenters: Madhura Bandyopadhyay, Iralma Pozo

Abstract:  For the past several semesters, we have been interacting with our students entirely online or communicating across masks in a context of an ever changing world and a myriad uncertainties. Even as the pandemic has made it more necessary for us as teachers to help our students become resilient learners, it has made it that much more difficult to reach out to them as human beings and send the message that we care. This workshop will focus on some practical ways for caring for students and building resilience in them as teachers in a context where many students are navigating extremely challenging circumstances within systemic oppression, mental and physical health issues and housing and food insecurities. Through discussion, reflection and interactive activities, we shall work on ways of creating useful questions for starting challenging conversations with students and making resource lists to guide them more effectively towards support.

Recording: Here

Breakout Sessions (10:45-11:45 am)

Title: What just happened? Student Resources, Conduct, and Discipline in a Hybrid Learning Environment

Track: What Just Happened? Tips for Pandemic Learning

Presenters: Rachel Brown, Michael Martinez Sachs

Abstract: In this session, the College’s Dean of Students and the Student Conduct Office will cover student services and classroom management techniques for online and hybrid online/in person classes, based on the university’s current plan to offer both remote, in-person, and possibly hybrid classes for Spring 2022. Remote learning platforms such as Blackboard and Zoom present unique challenges for providing students with appropriate resources; maintaining community standards; and holding students accountable for misconduct. Some examples the Conduct Office handled in the Spring and Fall 2021 hybrid/remote semesters include students not following instructors’ guidelines for confirming attendance and participation in class sessions; students sharing personal/private/inappropriate information about themselves or their classmates in online discussions and chatrooms; and “Zoom bombing” and other types of intrusions by hackers or trolls into video conference calls. We will discuss the services available to students through our offices for Counseling, emergency funding, and Diversity and Inclusion; communicating appropriate “netiquette” to students; behavioral expectations in an online environment; and procedures for reporting suspected incidents of misconduct.

Slides: Here

Recording: Here

Title: Accommodation vs. Modification: Designing a More Inclusive and Digitally-Responsive Curriculum

Track: Yes! We Can! DEI & Active Learning

Presenter: Mohammad Hamad

Abstract: In this session, I will explore the intersections of class, ability and technology using the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines as an analytical framework for reimagining instructional design. To design a more inclusive pedagogy, educators must understand how positive learning outcomes can drive student empowerment and the role that we play in driving justice-centered outcomes. While student demographics continue to shift, the demand to remain technologically-responsive in our classrooms will increase. This reality creates a sense of urgency on our part to prepare students with the knowledge and tools that they need to achieve their greatest potential, in and out of the classroom.

This session offers a balance between knowledge-sharing and practice. Participants are recommended to bring a SP22 course syllabus and class assignment to the session (in digital or hardcopy format). Be prepared to engage in an interactive exercise where you will apply the knowledge and skills gained to your own course materials.

Recording: Here

Title: Introduction to Test Construction for Student Assessments

Track: The Proof Is in the Demo: Master Classes in Design

Presenter: Keith A. Markus

Abstract: Student assessments take place inside or outside the classroom. The term ‘assessment’ applies broadly beyond conventional test and quiz formats. The determining factors are (a) that the assessment is consistent and comparable across students and (b) that the assessment is designed to provide some information about the student’s knowledge, skills or abilities (whether graded or not). This session will introduce principles and procedures in test construction (in the above inclusive sense). Topics include alignment with learning objectives, how and why to create a test blueprint and item specifications, common response formats, norm reference versus criterion reference, scoring rubrics, and the three primary features of a good test: fairness, validity and reliability. This session is designed for faculty with no prior background in test theory and will emphasize practical concepts and procedures.

Recording: Here

Title: Addressing Antisemitism

Track: Justice in Conversation: Supporting Student Identities & Needs

Abstract: To help professors recognize, identify, and address Antisemitism in and out of the classroom. We want to help Professors to be able to identify rhetoric that is not just harmful to Jewish students, faculty, and staff, but the kind of language that is pervasive in our society including the lexicon we may ordinarily use.

Slides: Here

Recording: Here

Breakout Sessions (2:00-3:00 pm)

Title: What’s Not Happening? Overcoming Student Passivity

Track: What Just Happened? Tips for Pandemic Learning

Presenter: Gregory Donaldson

Abstract: One of the challenges of teaching is moving students from passive to active learners.  Distinguished Teaching Award winner Gregory Donaldson will share some of his best engagement techniques that have worked on college freshmen and NYPD leadership students alike.  Learn to stage the performance of your class period in an arc; discover ways to bring students into the conversation through debate, role-play, catch-phrases and making learning personal; learn what makes a class a community from one of John Jay’s most legendary professors.

Recording: Here

Title: Algorithmic and Design Justice: Technology and Inclusivity

Track: Yes! We Can! DEI & Active Learning

Presenters: Michelle Strah 

Abstract: The criminal justice classroom presents many opportunities too critically evaluate the looming dystopias posed by artificial intelligence both in theory and praxis. This session will address two dystopian scenarios: rapid “tattleware” and surveillance technology adoption, and lack of technology competencies for criminal justice students. As a counterpoint, we’ll also review more utopian alternatives underway: research in ethical and critical AI, big data and human rights competencies leveraging remote collaboration and public scholarship and faculty seminars in technology, innovation and experience design to incorporate race, gender, disability and design justice in the classroom.

Slides: Here

Recording: Here

Title: It’s not the portrait but the landscape!

Track: The Proof Is in the Demo: Master Classes in Design

Presenter: David M. Shapiro

Abstract:  This session will focus on presenting a course (viz., Advanced Financial Reporting – ACC 710, asynchronous) on a virtual canvas, approaching the meeting of program goals and course objectives via a set of formative exercises integrating horizontal (e.g., domestic and foreign opportunities), vertical (e.g., reporting entity history), and diagonal (e.g., historical interaction among law enforcement agencies, civil regulators, NGOs, reporting entities) analyses. In brief, the session implicates a holistic theoretical and conceptual exploration of the financial reporting landscape. 

Slides: Here & Here

Recording: Here

Title: Addressing Islamophobia

Track: Justice in Conversation: Supporting Student Identities & Needs

Abstract: To help professors recognize, identify, and address Islamophobia in and out of the classroom. We want to help Professors to be able to identify rhetoric that is not just harmful to Muslim and Arab students, faculty, and staff, but the kind of language that is pervasive in our society including the lexicon we may ordinarily use.

Slides: Here

Recording: Here