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Spring 2023 FAQS for Presenters

Spring 2023 Faculty Development Day Presenter FAQs

Thank you in advance for presenting at our Spring 2023 Faculty Development Day!

Would you be so kind as to  read the following FDD presenter FAQs? If you have additional questions, please let us know!

Do presenters need to register?

Yes! Please RSVP. The DoIT RSVP form collects the responses in an easy format for us to make calculations and adjustments to session logistics and participation data. As our staffing is limited, we streamline tasks such as sharing Zoom access information based on the RSVP spreadsheets. We anticipate that you will appreciate this system when preparing for sessions as we will be able to share the registration numbers with you including departmental affiliations if desired.

We are also relying on your responses to anticipate Covid-19 social distancing needs and food orders for our community lunch. In particular, if you have dietary needs, we want to do our best to accommodate you.

When am I presenting?

We have emailed all the presenters with their proposed session times. When these have been confirmed, you can check your time on the Spring 2023 FDD Overview page and also the Spring 2023 FDD Program page.

For Zoom sessions:

  • When will I receive my Zoom link? 
  • Who will be hosting my session? 
  • What control will I have over my session?

We will share your Zoom link and meeting code a few days before FDD so that you can test your access. This will be the week of January 17-20. One of the TLC staff or allies will be hosting your session in order to facilitate admitting participants and address any security or technological issues. When you enter your session, your host will make you a co-host so that you have access to all the Zoom tools you may need.

What do I need to prepare and have on hand?

We will send you opening and closing slides with essential FDD information for participation. Would you please incorporate these and then have your presentation materials ready to screen share, as well as the links and any handouts you plan to distribute electronically? You may want to prepare a doc or file with links and text to drop into the chat. Your host will contact you a few days before FDD and work with you on these processes.

When do I show up for my presentation?

Please be at your assigned breakout room at least 10 minutes before your session begins. As you will have already uploaded your presentation, this will give you a chance to check plans with the other presenter(s) in your session as well as help to assure that presentations begin on time. Please be sure to exchange contact information with your Zoom host in case of technical or other difficulties that delay your access.

How can I make my session accessible? Your host will be recording and enabling the live transcript during your session. You can encourage those participating to use their discretion in blocking their video and using the chat if they have visual concerns and to lower their speaker levels and read the live transcript/closed captions for audio concerns. 

What do I do with my slides and handouts after the session? Please email us PDF versions of your session resources, and we will post these as well as the recording to the FDD website for others to access. We will email you a request for your resources after FDD. While your materials are automatically copyrighted, we encourage you to think about alternative licensing to make your work open for others to use.

What should I do if I have to cancel or have an emergency?

Please email [email protected] and mark the message “High Importance.”

I have additional concerns. Who can help me?

For other needs or questions, please email the TLC at [email protected] can 

We look forward to seeing and learning from you on January 24!